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 everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer)

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Erin (Granger)

Erin (Granger)

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Join date : 2012-01-10
Age : 23
Location : Gravity Falls, Oregon

everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer) Empty
PostSubject: everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer)   everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer) I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2015 9:19 am

lila tate

Lila drummed her fingers against the door of the stable. She didn't even know why she'd come. Cookie had badgered her to do it with her. "Pleeeeeeaaaassssseeee... it'll be fun." She peeked inside, and instantly saw the most beautiful pegasus. It was dark grey, with white and brown spots. She strolled in and veered straight for that pegasus. She stroked it, and it seemed to like her. She didn't even hear the door creak open behind her as she talked to the horse like it was a pet dog.
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Devils' Advocate

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everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer) Empty
PostSubject: Re: everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer)   everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer) I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2015 10:14 am

cookie jung
hey, what's for lunch?

Cookie stepped past her friend to reach the other stable door. The afternoon air was filled with the musky smells of horse and hay and dirt. The wooden structure was worn down from all the activity and rough weather and there was soft nickering all around. Campus stables weren't exactly state-of-the-art, but Cookie loved every part of it.

What she liked most, however, was of course, the pegasii. Riding was her happy place. On the back of a fast-moving creature, it seemed as if she shook off the hindrance of her short stature and small physique. Riding horses in particular, Cookie felt strong and free and wild.

There was an air of mischief in her eyes as the daughter of Hypnos quickly unbolted the stable door and saddled the pegasus in it. The animal was a calm, gangly bay with darker flecks on its wings and head. White encircled part of its right eye and the long fur of its forelegs. Cookie stroked the mare's head and crooned to it softly as she readied her steed.

Looking back at Lila, Cookie tilted her head. "Ya ready?"

words: 186 // tag: #erin // notes:

Last edited by Padfoot on Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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Erin (Granger)

Erin (Granger)

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Age : 23
Location : Gravity Falls, Oregon

everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer) Empty
PostSubject: Re: everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer)   everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer) I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2015 10:24 am

lila tate

She awkwardly got on the pegasi. Lila settled, and gave a nervous smile to her friend. "Ready as I'll ever be, I guess." The winged horse slowly trotted out the doors and she relaxed a little. Then it started running faster, and Lila clung to the saddle, with a terrified look on her face. "Are you sure this is safe!?", she shouted as their pegasi took off.
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Devils' Advocate

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Join date : 2011-10-08
Age : 18
Location : Alagaësia

everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer) Empty
PostSubject: Re: everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer)   everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer) I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 27, 2015 11:44 am

cookie jung
hey, what's for lunch?

"Safe? Of course not!" Cookie called out cheerfully against the sound of thudding hooves and wind that whistled past them. The pegasii were picking up the pace now, and they would be aloft in seconds. Under the touch of her fingers, the bay felt strong and powerful. Seconds couldn't come quickly enough.

"We'll be going over fifty miles an hour strapped only to a saddle. I don't think that's safe!"

words: 70 // tag: #erin // notes:
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PostSubject: Re: everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer)   everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer) I_icon_minitime

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everything that kills me makes me feel alive (summer)
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