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 you'll always be by my side [saph]

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PostSubject: you'll always be by my side [saph]   you'll always be by my side [saph] I_icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2016 9:37 pm

It'd been a few days since Sutton had fallen off the horse. She felt better than ever. The healers made her come there every other day just in case of any internal damage. It wasn't the worst thing that happened to her. Kronos' Camp was at least a hundred times worse. Although it was hard to admit, there were a few good things that came out of it. She learned that she was thankful for a lot of the little things she took for granted, like showers and food that wasn't gruel. She was still skinnier and paler than before she got captured. She couldn't train much because she was still getting her strength back, but she wasn't complaining.

It was early in the morning, and Sutton couldn't sleep. She'd gotten nightmares again of her brother. It felt so real that she couldn't help but call him to make sure he was okay. He was on the other side of the world right now, he was alright. Or she tried to convince herself that. She knew he loved her, but she could tell that her early calls were starting to bother him. She started to wander around camp with her arms crossed against her chest at a futile attempt to keep her warm from the wind. Sutton somehow ended up at the stables.

Sutton remembered the boy that had helped her not so long ago. She asked someone passing by where he was, and they told her where Charles was. She hadn't seen him around the cabin much. She mostly kept to herself and didn't pay much attention to her surroundings ever since she got back. "Hey Sunshine." She called out, thinking of a nickname as she came close to him. "Anything new been happening?"

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Sardonic Twin

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PostSubject: Re: you'll always be by my side [saph]   you'll always be by my side [saph] I_icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2016 9:43 am

It was during these times that Charles felt closest to home. Watching the sunrise as he finished the short trek on horseback, letting the rays of light warm him from head to toe - sometimes, he wondered if this was how his father first saw Hemera, as though she was the sun that brightened his life. It was days like these that reminded Charles of new beginnings, that no matter how stormy the night, the sun always rose again. And for camp, it had been a rather stormy night.

Not literally, of course, but the incident yesterday loomed over their heads like a shadow. If he were a few years younger, Charles might have gotten traumatized at the sight. Thinking of it still sent shivers down his spine but he learned to cope, safe in the knowledge that those poor kids were recovering. Charles hesitated when he went out on his morning stroll today, wondering if he should take his usual path up the hill. He almost didn't. When he saw the empty hill with no bodies and no blood, he heaved a sigh of relief.

He returned to the stables with ease. Surprisingly, he had company. He urged the horse Rowan into a trot and pulled him into a stop beside Sutton. Smiling, Charles tipped his cowboy hat in greeting, rather amused at the nickname.

"Hey Moonlight," he said. "Well, besides the... surprise at the hill yesterday it's been a normal week."

He swung his leg off the horse and landed next to her, maintaining a loose grip on Rowan's reins. He took off his hat and kept it under his arm. Fixing Sutton with a scrutinizing gaze, he continued,"What got you out of bed this early in the morning?"
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PostSubject: Re: you'll always be by my side [saph]   you'll always be by my side [saph] I_icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2016 10:44 am

Sutton smiled at the nickname. She hadn't been to the stables since the incident, mostly because she didn't want to get hurt again. She had enough of the infirmary for a while. It was funny because she'd never been to the infirmary all her years at camp. She wasn't the type of person to do anything stupid, but it looked like her good streak was over. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at what he said. "Surprise? What surprise?" She questioned anxiously.

Yesterday she'd been at the library. Sutton had been going to the library almost as many times as the Athena children did. She'd been rereading her favorite books. She hadn't heard anything about what happened in the hill. Although she didn't realize it at the time, there weren't as many people as there usually was at the library. She hadn't paid much attention because she was too busy doing her own thing. "You're okay though right?" She couldn't help but ask nervously.

Sutton glanced at the horse Charles had the reins to. It wasn't Bucker, and she was glad. She wouldn't be able to handle the horse and the surprise. Most surprises at camp weren't that good. There was the occasional party surprise, but her instincts told her different. Just by looking at Sutton you could tell she was anxious. She couldn't help it, she was never good at hiding what she felt. She shrugged off his question. That wasn't important right now. "Nothing really. I just couldn't sleep." She said downplaying it.

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Sardonic Twin

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PostSubject: Re: you'll always be by my side [saph]   you'll always be by my side [saph] I_icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2016 11:10 am

Oh. She hadn't heard. Charles bit the inside of his cheek, cursing himself for even mentioning it. He had overestimated the speed of the rumors flying, thinking that everyone knew about it by now. Apparently, Sutton did not. Lucky him for being the one to break the news... not.

"It ain't me, I'm okay, but there's been an... accident," he said slowly, carefully choosing his words. "Some monster must have gotten a couple of kids yesterday morning, really messed them up. They were found on top of the hill. I... I ain't going into details. The Apollo kids are patching them up, said they'll be fine."

He could tell how unnerved Sutton got and felt bad for bringing up something like this, but he hoped he delivered the news in a way that didn't scare her. For instance, he opted out of mentioning all the blood. And he made it sound like a regular monster attack which shouldn't trigger anything particularly bad since those were usual occurrences to the typical demigod.

Lips pressing into a grim line, Charles placed a tentative hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay? You're not in shock, are you?"
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PostSubject: Re: you'll always be by my side [saph]   you'll always be by my side [saph] I_icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2016 12:28 pm

Sutton could tell he didn't want to tell her, that only made her more nervous. When Charles said he was okay, she breathed a sigh of relief. It eased some of the worry that was weighing down on her, but it wouldn't fully go away until he told her what really happened. She couldn't believe it. There was more than one demigod that had been harmed from the monster? "Did they kill it?" She asked tentatively. She didn't know why the demigods couldn't have killed the monster without getting severely hurt. It couldn't have been a hellhound or an empousai, those were too easy to kill. They trained almost all the time for these situations, but it didn't seem the help. Fear still gripped her heart as he finished explaining what happened.

Sutton's thoughts drifted towards Kronos. Everything bad that happened to her always drifted towards him. She tried not to think about it, but all she could do was worry even more. She hoped she didn't know anyone who got hurt on the hill. She tried to calm herself down by thinking, It's only a monster attack. They happen all the time. Logic only seemed to make it worse. She blinked out of her thoughts as Charles placed a hand on her shoulder. "What? No, I-I'm fine, Charles." She lied easily before giving him a fake, reassuring smile. She was most definitely not fine., but she wouldn't tell him that. There were more important things to think about than her. "Did you know anyone that got injured on the hill?" She inquired, attempting to change the subject.

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Sardonic Twin

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PostSubject: Re: you'll always be by my side [saph]   you'll always be by my side [saph] I_icon_minitimeSat May 07, 2016 8:08 am

Charles shrugged. "Probably. It ain't there when they found the victims." He didn't want to add that it was only one of the theories people came up with it, and it was the most plausible to him thus far.

Her lie didn't convince him but he let his hand drop from her shoulder all the same. He welcomed the change of topic though, thinking that it might help Sutton calm down. He shook his head. "Some I've seen around but I didn't know them personally."

Talking about it made Charles uncomfortable too, come to think of it. It was why he threw himself hard into work. Work distracted him from the things that could shut him down - it helped him compartmentalize his feelings. Strip away his chores and he won't really know what to do with himself, physically and emotionally.

Rowan huffed beside him, snorting in the way only horses could, giving Charles an idea. "Say, do you want to go horse-riding?" he asked Sutton with a smile. "Not on Bucker of course, but I'm sure you'll do fine on another horse."
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PostSubject: Re: you'll always be by my side [saph]   you'll always be by my side [saph] I_icon_minitimeSat May 07, 2016 10:13 pm

Sutton nodded her head slowly as if she understood what Charles was saying. The word probably didn't seem to reassure her. There was still a possibility that it was still alive and could come back. It only made her more anxious and nervous. Her nerves were already on edge, and this surprise only worsened them. She was thinking of going off campus for an hour or two this weekend just to finally get over her fear. "Looks like my plans of going off campus are down the toilet." She muttered to herself. Sutton didn't need to end up like the Hera cabin leader did. That was her worst fear, to die and people wouldn't even know why.

It was good that Charles didn't know anyone personally, because if he didn't, she most likely didn't. All her years at camp she kept to herself, only really knowing the Athena campers. Most people didn't talk to the demititan, and she didn't blame them. There weren't that many other like her at Camp Half Blood, they were all in Kronos' Camp from what she saw. Just the thought sent shivers down her spine. Demititan a just like her, yet so different at the same time. She was relieved she ended up at Camp Half Blood instead of Kronos' Camp.

Sutton's eyes lit up as she smiled when he aked if she wanted to go horse back riding. "Really? You wouldn't mind? If you have work, I can do something else..." She offered. She didn't want to bother him more than she already had. She was thinking of things she could do around camp to distract herself. Sutton was up to do anything at this point, as long as she didn't think about anything else.

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PostSubject: Re: you'll always be by my side [saph]   you'll always be by my side [saph] I_icon_minitime

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